Right now as I am sitting staring at my computer screen, my desk is vibrating wildly due to messages from friends of mine that live in England, Italy, Miami, Spain, and the US. In less than a second, their thoughts are transported almost magically across the air and are expressed to me on my small cellphone's screen. With these modern tools, I am able to check up with my friends that are thousands of miles away in a matter of seconds. In a society that is so advanced technologically and so interconnected, it is difficult to imagine how the Bennets lived. How should it feel to be isolated and alone in the world with the company of a flimsy paper and pen? Would it be possible to nowadays escape from all the viral information we are suffocated with in our everyday life? I think not...

It is incredible to read about how the Bennets' only way of communication was through letters. When Lydia decides to run away with Wickham, I think that the way that Mr. Bennet, Mrs. Bennet, and all the Bennet sisters reacted was absolutely amazing. I think that if I decided to run away with some girl, my parents would go absolutely insane. I think that the society in which we live in has become accustomed to being fed information constantly. Had I lived in 19 century England, then my parents would have just hoped that I would be off getting married in some random town.
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