Personally, I have thought about this and I would like to dedicate this blog to what I think regarding our nature as human beings.
Human nature has been lost. Our instinctive drive has been pulverized to the point where we are merely the reflections of the machines that we ourselves have created. We spend our time on earth focusing on producing and on achieving fixed tasks. Menial tasks that will mean nothing to us in the future. We will eventually die and our time and effort will be forgotten alongside our bodies and names. I believe that civilization, along with the existence of a "free will" and "moral choice," have destroyed what we used to be, what we were meant to be. The balance that comes with nature has clearly ceased to exist in our society. Because of these oppressive forces, humans nowadays live in a state of despair and anguish trying to search for some truth. People everywhere live their lives looking for something which might be able to fill this gap. Although this bleak judgement may seem condemning, we find joy in the small things in life which fill us with hope and energy to continue on the journey that is life itself. Be it a small flower, the kiss of a lover, a beautiful sunset. These things for some reason allow us to, at least momentarily, find joy in our lives.
I am exited and look forward to continue reading A Heart of Darkness and read about the views of Conrad.
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